What is the principle of sound-absorbing panels?

The principle of sound-absorbing panels lies in how they absorb sound waves and reflected waves generated in space through the characteristics of the material itself. Sound-absorbing panels of different materials have different absorption effects on different sound waves. For example, grooved wood sound-absorbing panels have better absorption performance for medium and high frequency sounds, while fabric soft-pack sound-absorbing panels have better sound-absorbing effects for medium and low frequencies. The main function of sound-absorbing panels is to absorb sound and weaken sound waves, and ultimately play a role in sound absorption and noise reduction.
- Scattering attenuation
- When sound waves propagate in a medium, scattered reflections generated by interfaces with different acoustic impedances will cause energy attenuation. When sound waves propagate from one medium to another, the greater the difference in acoustic impedance between the two, the higher the reflectivity of the sound waves at the interface between the two media. The difference in acoustic impedance between air and solids (walls, soundproof panels, etc.) is very large, with a reflectivity of almost 100%.
- What is acoustic impedance? Acoustic impedance can be understood as the obstruction of a medium to particle vibration. It can be compared to the resistance of a conductor in electricity. Indoors, part of the sound we hear is the echo of the wall or other solid objects. The scattered reflection of sound waves will cause the echo entering our ears to be greatly weakened.
- For example, a beam of light shines on a piece of paper. Due to the uneven surface of the paper, the light is scattered and reflected, so it does not look dazzling to us. If the same beam of light shines on a mirror, the reflected light will be very dazzling because there is almost no scattering.
- Strip hole sound absorbing board:
- Absorption attenuation
- When sound waves propagate in the medium, they will be attenuated due to the friction and heat conduction between particles.
- Sound absorbing panels mainly use the principle of scattering attenuation.